Learning strategies, self-awareness, and locus of control in university students
Locus of control, Self-awareness, LearningAbstract
Self-awareness and the judgments attributing meaning to events are aspects of individualization. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-awareness and locus of control in the learning strategies of college students. The sample consisted of 25 university students. A quantitative approach was used, along with Levenson's Multidimensional Locus of Control Scale, the Revised Self-Awareness Scale (EAC-R), and the Learning Strategies Scale for University Students (EEA-U). The project received approval from Ethics Committee X. The results did not reveal significant correlations between the variables. Intercorrelations were observed in self-awareness measures, and a negative relationship between age and external control dimension, as well as a negative relationship between semester and internal control, were noted. It is concluded that locus of control and self-awareness showed no connection with the strategies employed by students in their learning.
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