What do the integrated institutional M&E system results tell us about portuguese language learning of potiguar high school students?





Integrated system of institutional monitoring and evaluation, Results of external evaluations, Portuguese language descriptors


This study aims to discuss the results of an Integrated Institutional Monitoring and Evaluation System (IIMES) in conjunction with curriculum planning. The general objective of the study is to: (i) discuss the results of the IIMES that pertain to the High School Portuguese Language curricular component during 2017, 2018 and 2019, indicating the road to a possible dialogue that addresses these results in conjunction with curricular mandates and/or guidelines. With regard to specific objectives, the study intends to: (i) identify the descriptors that Potiguar students find most difficult in the High School context; ii) describe and analyze the behavior of the average of correct answers of the Portuguese Language descriptors. The study is characterized as documentary research and bibliographic data. Establishing the parameter as the average of correct answers, it was possible to identify that there were 15 descriptors that registered low proficiency. There were descriptors in which the averages oscillated between increase and decrease, and there were those in which the averages of correct answers decreased steadily and considerably, considering the time frame of the study.


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Author Biography

Lidemberg Rocha, Instituto de Educação Superior Presidente Kennedy, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil

Graduado em Pedagogia (UVA). Graduado em Letras – Língua Portuguesa/ Literaturas (UFRN). Especialista em Língua Portuguesa (UFRN). Especialista em Leitura e Produção de Textos (UFRN). Especialista em Estatísticas e Avaliação Educacional (UFJF). Mestre e Doutor (UFRN). Professor do Instituto de Educação Superior Presidente Kennedy (IFESP).

Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5722770294632040



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How to Cite

Rocha, L. (2023). What do the integrated institutional M&E system results tell us about portuguese language learning of potiguar high school students?. Pesquisa E Debate Em Educação, 13, p. 1–16, e35614. https://doi.org/10.34019/2237-9444.2023.v13.35614