External evaluation and the new subjects of education


  • Marcelo Baumann Burgos Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro




External Evaluation, School, Professional Culture, School Management, Teaching Activity


The  social  place  occupied  by  external  evaluation  in  the  functioning  of  the  educational system has changed over time: from an external and vertical control instrument of school work, it becomes a fundamental tool for school daily life. But this change of place would not be taking place without the education professionals themselves changing together. In this article, we analyze these changes, valuing, in particular, the way it has been happening in the Brazilian context. Finally, we argue that the process of decantation of external evaluation in the school professional culture has been forging the emergence of new subjects  in  the  world  of  education,  spokespersons  and  diffusers  of  the  new  language.


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How to Cite

Burgos, M. B. (2020). External evaluation and the new subjects of education. Pesquisa E Debate Em Educação, 10(1), 1082–1102. https://doi.org/10.34019/2237-9444.2020.v10.32024