Educational challenges in pandemic times
strategies and achievements in remote teaching
Teaching, Collaborative management, Remote activities, PandemicAbstract
The present work is an experience report of the initiatives carried out by managers, teachers and specialists of the State School Marieta Soares Teixeira, from the city of Cataguases, Minas Gerais, whose main objective was to instigate the participation of students in remote activities, given the current suspension of face-to-face classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the main problems we found has been the low participation of students in remote activities, either due to difficulties in organizing a study routine, or due to lack of access to the internet or lack of concentration, anxiety, among other psychological and emotional problems. Thus, we have developed several strategies, such as dynamic and interactive video classes, an essay contest, virtual secret friend, online reading club, video conferences with a professional for helping to deal with psychological problems, among other strategies that have helped to motivate and encourage students and parents/guardians in these complicated and challenging times.
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