Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018)
Regular articles

Practices of the forum shopping between the WTO and the FTA: the value of the principle of res judicata in the settlement of disputes

Julián Tole Martínez
Universidad Externado | Bogotá, Colombia

Published 2018-01-31


  • Dispute settlement,
  • FTA,
  • WTO,
  • Forum shopping

How to Cite

Martínez, J. T. (2018). Practices of the forum shopping between the WTO and the FTA: the value of the principle of res judicata in the settlement of disputes. Homa Publica - Revista Internacional De Derechos Humanos Y Empresas, 2(1), e:028. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/HOMA/article/view/30554


In the context of economic globalization there is a great propensity to conflicts or overlaps between the international agreements, of its obligations or rights and even their jurisdictions. The analysis of these phenomena becomes more complex when taking into account the current proliferation of international instruments of commercial nature (preferential agreements, free trade areas, customs unions, etc.), each with a mechanism for dispute settlement, and these international instruments can generate conflicts or overlaps with the legal framework of the WTO. With an aspect to consider, there is no hierarchical relationship of a source of legal production on another (as if it is under domestic law), unless expressly provided for in an instrument or can be deduced from implicitly its normative content through an interpretive activity. From the wide range of instruments governing international trade, this discussion will focus on the analysis of the conflict rules incorporated in the various Free Trade Agreements (FTA) concluded between Latin American countries and the United States, specifically the NAFTA, the FTA with Chile, the CAFTA-DR, the FTA with Peru, the FTA with Colombia and the FTA with Panama, also the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) of Latin American countries and the European Union, including the EPA with Mexico, the EPA with Chile and the EPA with the Andean countries, in addition will be reviewed the conflict rules of the WTO law. In the end, will conclude on the usefulness of the principle of res judicata to resolve the effects of forum shopping.


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