2022 Balance
In 2022, our magazine completed 6 years and we were very happy to see the growth of our academic community dedicated to the theme of Human Rights and Business, in Brazil, Latin America, and around the world. In this scenario, it is with great happiness that we announce the figures for 2022.
In 2022, we recorded 9,656 accesses to articles on our website and 14,928 accesses to abstracts. We continue to implement changes with the aim of further improving the journal, with a focus on increasing internationalization and dissemination, positioning ourselves, with great pride, in the position of the only scientific journal on the subject edited in Latin America.
We reaffirm our commitment to continue working hard for the constant promotion of scientific research in the area of Human Rights and Business, promoting the dissemination of important published works. In addition, we thank the researchers who submitted articles, the reviewers and the readers who read and cite the works.
You can view the 2022 statistics on our page: https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/homa/estadisticas
Yours sincerely,
Manuela Carneiro Roland
Editor-in-Chief of Homa Publica - International Journal of Human Rights and Business