A binding treaty on corporate responsability: a global solution to address the problem of corporate impunity – lessons learned from Aguinda vs Chevron
Publicado 2017-07-31
Palabras clave
- Environmental justice,
- Binding obligations,
- International Treaty,
- Corporate responsibility,
- Human rights
Cómo citar
Extractive transnational corporations (ETC) can cause environmental harm and commit human rights (HHRRs) abuses in developing countries (DC). However, holding them accountable can become a real issue for their victims. There are different cases to reflect on this problem, but the one facing Ecuadorian communities against Chevron Corporation over oil pollution and HHRRs violations it’s turning twenty-four years old, bringing us important lessons on corporate impunity. After reviewing the way this case has developed, it becomes clear that states, international organizations, and civil society involvement is necessary; that corporate responsibility should be regulated at all levels (national and international); and that durable coalitions’ support from civil society organizations is fundamental to address the problem of ETCs causing environmental harm and committing HHRRs abuses in DC.
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