Apreensões Figurais e Materiais Manipuláveis na Resolução de Problemas de Geometria por Alunos do Oitavo Ano
Ensino e aprendizagem de Matemática, Ensino Fundamenta, Apreensão Figural, Resolução de Problemas, Materiais ManipuláveisAbstract
This study investigates the possibilities of figural apprehension mobilized by 8th grade students when solving geometric problems. Based on Duval's theoretical framework that categorizes figural apprehensions into perceptual, discursive, sequential and operative, the research analyzes how these apprehensions are activated by the participants of a study developed in the school context. The data was collected during study sessions involving 19 students from a private school in São Paulo, using observations, written records, video and audio recordings, as well as problem-solving protocols. The results indicate the use of geometric figures and manipulable materials plays an important role in understanding and solving problems. Students who used these resources were able to explore many possibilities, develop strategies more effective and present accurate solutions. The concrete manipulation of figures, such as folding paper to visualize shapes and comparing areas, facilitated the practical application of mathematical concepts, corroborating the pedagogical practices indicated in the mathematics curriculum that encourage the creation and manipulation of concrete figures to enrich the learning experience.
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