Metodologias investigativas para o ensino de matemática em diversidades culturais escolares
Metodologias, Investigação, Ensino de Matemática, Práticas Investigativas, Diversidade CulturalAbstract
In this article I present notes and reflections that contribute to a debate about possible investigative modes of teaching that can be adopted in teaching practice in mathematics. The purpose of this paper is to propose the incorporation of meanings into the teaching and learning of school mathematics in the face of the cultural diversity in which the school and the classroom are situated and constituted in the 21st century, in the perspective of globalization of information. From the results of researches and teaching experiences in elementary, middle and high school, as well as in dissertation and thesis orientations, I consider the importance of betting on the potential of classroom interactions, subsidized by practices based on investigative methodologies that prioritize the direct action of students in the learning process.
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