Era uma vez... histórias infantis e matemática nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental
História Infantil, Matemática, Anos Iniciais do Ensino FundamentalAbstract
The use of children stories and mathematics in the teacher’s work in the classroom allows students to develop the creativity and the imagination of students, work on mathematics and mother language together, relate to other areas of knowledge and solve problem situations. This qualitative research has as main to investigate the possibilities of the joint work between children stories and mathematics in the early years of Elementary School. We use, for data production, field notes, audio-recordings and activities developed by the students. The activities were designed from the children’s book The centipedes and their shoes by Milton Camargo and developed in a 1st and 2nd year of Elementary School of two public schools in the Juiz de Fora city – Minas Gerais. The data analysis showed the participation and the interest of the students demonstrating that it is an interesting possibility to carry out activities that have as reference children stories; it allowed to approach mathematical contents and concepts, but without leaving the story aside; and provided a discussion about what a problem is.
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