As reflexões teóricas e metodológicas produzidas em um grupo/comunidade sobre a utilização das TICs
Formação de Professores, Pibid, Comunidades de Prática, Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação, Educação MatemáticaAbstract
In this article we present how a group / community, formed by participants of the Institutional Program of Initiatives to Teaching Scholarship (Pibid) of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), planned, experimented, lived and reflected on the complexity of teaching and learning Mathematics with the mediation of technology. In this process, theoretical and methodological reflections on the use of ICTs in the process of teaching and learning Mathematics, seeking the negotiation of meanings carried out during an Extension Course (Modules I and II) on the use of ICTs in the process of
teaching and learning Mathematics. From the contact with the texts, participants could understand and make inferences about them, raising hypotheses and conjectures about their pedagogical, social and technical aspects and, from the results, sought to validate their thoughts.
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