Temporeras and shifting gender relations in Chile`s fruit industry


  • Sônia Schwendler Universidade Federal do Paraná


Temporera, Chile, Gender, Labour, Feminisation of agriculture.


Th is paper analyses the incorporation of women in Chile’s fruit industry and
the impact of this on gender relations in the documentary Ethical Court no
more violence against women in the workplace (2011), produced by the National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women ANAMURI, with further
subsidies from fi eldwork interviews with the temporeras carried out in February and March 2011. Th ere is evidence of the feminisation of that seasonal labour force and a partial reconfi guration of gender relations within households.


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Author Biography

Sônia Schwendler, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Professora Adjunta da Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR. (Bolsista CAPES.
Orientadora: Else P. Vieira). Doutoranda em Hispanic Studies, no Queen Mary College, University of London.

