Profile of cancer patients and their opinions regarding the use of drugs not approved by the Sanitary Surveillance National Agency
Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency, Population, Drug Therapy, Sickness Impact ProfileAbstract
Introduction: ANVISA is the Brazilian national agency responsible for the authorization and regulation of the sale and use of medicines and monitors its therapeutic and adverse effects. In the middle of this scenario are patients undergoing cancer treatment, liable to several traditional or novel drugs (often not yet approved by the Agency) which are sometimes targeted by new therapies that have not yet been regulated. Objectives: To trace the profile of patients under chemotherapy, as well as their possible use of drugs not yet approved by ANVISA. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out using a structured questionnaire in 400 cancer patients under follow-up at specialized institutions, where quantitative variables were evaluated, followed by descriptive and exploratory statistical analysis with frequency, trend and dispersion measures, all with numerical significance. Results: A total of 244 women and 166 men were observed, mean age 59 years ± 13.5. 74.25% would not use drugs not approved by ANVISA, while 25.75% would use them. 63% of those who would use new drugs are less than 59 years old. The majority had average income between 1 and 3 minimum wages, with more than half having studied only until elementary school. 62% do not know what ANVISA is, nor is it aware of its role. Still, it is finally noted that 61% of patients would participate in a hypothetical research to approve a new drug. Conclusion: It is possible to say that determinant factors to use drugs not approved by ANVISA are: being younger than 59 years old, female, absence of other therapeutic options and side effects of the current drugs. Also, 92.3% of the patients interviewed are aware of the risks of using medicines not approved by ANVISA.
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