Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022): Collective action, social movements, and organization: collected papers from the ISA forum 2021 and beyond

					View Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022): Collective action, social movements, and organization: collected papers from the ISA forum 2021 and beyond

This dossier is the product of a collective action and subjectivity/ies. Predominantly asynchronous,
technologically mediated, and involving different scales and regions of the globe, the issue presented here had as its background and starting point a thematic session housed under Research Committee 17: "Organizational Sociology" (RC 17 Organizational Sociology), itself hosted and held in the context of the ISA Forum 2021 event. The idea of this dossier arose from contact between the guest editors of this issue, in the context of that event, and from the realization of the existing gap in terms of the participation and approximation of Brazilian and world academia regarding the specific theme in question. Particularly, reflection on the extent and role of organizations in sociological theory (Ackroyd, 2000) has been a frequently highlighted problem, although partially and timidly "solved".

Published: 2022-11-08

Nota Editorial
