Estética da ansiedade:

notas conceituais sobre a cultura do risco, uma abordagem sociológica.


  • Henrique Grimaldi Figueredo Doutorando em Sociologia pelo Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Cultural phenomena such as the emergence of certain artistic practices are based on complex issues whose mobilization is manifested in a combination of socioeconomic, political, age, labor and even subjective circumstances. With this article, we intend to establish some conceptual notes based on this multifaceted approach to the aesthetics of anxiety in British culture at the end of the 20th century, especially with regard to art and fashion. The aesthetics of anxiety as conceptualized by the author will be described from its most regular aesthetic manifestations - namely, wasted look, mortality-fetishism, abjectual aesthetics, contemporary memento-mori, and social pharmacophilia - and operationalized in order to refine its relationship with an idea of the real and fabricated risks that cross the social imaginary of British youth. Recovering the sociological debates of sociologists like McRobbie, Giddens and Beck, we will seek to connect this analytical framework to the cultural responses of this youth in their exploration of their generational traumas.


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