Pedagogical coordinator and remote education

practices and challenges in the face of the pandemic




Pedagogical coordinator, Remote teaching, Pandemic


The study aims to analyze what have been the main challenges of the dynamics of remote teaching in the work of the Pedagogical Coordinator (CP) in the scope of the public school. As a locus of reflection, the educational reality of a municipality located in the Amazon region is used. Among the proposed objectives, we seek to: identify the technological resources used by the PCs as responses to the challenges experienced at school; understand the perception of PCs on the dynamics of remote education; and verify the contributions and discrepancies of remote education in the professional performance of PCs. The discussions result from field research, including the use of bibliographic research and application of semi-structured questionnaires. From the results obtained, it appears that there are innumerable challenges caused when doing CPs pedagogical, requiring the organization and monitoring of actions in search of the materiality of the teaching-learning process, even in the face of deficient work conditions: conflicts, poor internet signal, lack of training, etc.


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Author Biography

José Flábio dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Óbidos, Pará, Brasil

Graduado em Pedagogia pela UFOPA Campos Regional de Óbidos-PA.

Currículo Lattes:


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How to Cite

Santos, J. F. dos. (2021). Pedagogical coordinator and remote education: practices and challenges in the face of the pandemic. Pesquisa E Debate Em Educação, 11(2), 1–14, e32806.



Applied research