Moodle platform as a support and accommodation in Physics teaching


  • Leonilda do Nascimento Silva Secretaria Estadual de Educação e Desportos, Educação Básica, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brasil
  • Maria Sônia Silva Oliveira Veloso Universidade Federal de Roraima, Ensino de Física, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brasil



Virtual learning environment, Teaching and learning, Following teaching


This study addresses content pertinent to Kinematics aimed at high school and was developed with a differential, being a didactic sequence with theoretical foundation focused on meaningful learning, this is intended to present an educational product in a direct and objective way, transcribing, the experiences with the construction and application of this methodological proposal. The dissertation that generated this material is entitled “Moodle Platform as a support and monitoring system for teaching Kinematics”. With the central objective of verifying the relevance of the new proposal as a facilitator of the learning of the concepts addressed, bringing suggestions for future applications and complementary technological materials as a support and monitoring system in the teaching process.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. do N., & Veloso, M. S. S. O. . (2020). Moodle platform as a support and accommodation in Physics teaching . Pesquisa E Debate Em Educação, 10(2), 1313–1326.