Children and childhood education
understanding the learning contexts in contemporaneity
Childhood, Child education, ChildAbstract
This text was produced as part of the theoretical basis of the research Technologies and childhoods: relationship, interaction and perception of children in group 5 in the context of the day care center, within the scope of the LabTEPI Project of the ForTEC Research Group. The purpose of this article is to understand the concept of childhood, making a theoretical and legal discussion around childhood and early childhood education. In this way, the text addresses the change in the concept of childhoods, since in the fields of Human Sciences we cannot affirm that there is a single model of childhood throughout human history, as the human being evolves along with its social context. We will also bring the history of Early Childhood Education in Brazil and the documents that guide and legitimize this segment of basic education as the first stage of education. For these reasons, it is prudent to know the contemporary learning contexts.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sheila Carine Souza Santos; May Valda Souza Sales
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