Knowledge sharing through video

a case study in a stricto sensu graduate class


  • Felipe Pereira de Melo Universidade Cesumar
  • Fabrício Ricardo Tomaz Bernardelli
  • Bruna Hernandes Scarabelli
  • Fernanda Crocetta Schraiber
  • Luis Augusto Sautchuk Marchi
  • Arthur Gualberto Bacelar da Cruz Urpia



Knowledge management, Knowledge sharing, Video summaries, Learning


The constant changes in the social scenario, provided a great accumulation of knowledge and information on the part of individuals, it is not just about having the information, but knowing how to make it value and potentialize opportunities. Therefore, using the technological resources available for knowledge sharing becomes essential for the expansion of knowledge as a whole, given the perspective that the exchange of knowledge generates growth. In view of this, the general objective of this work is to analyze the knowledge sharing process through videos in a stricto sensu graduate class of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in northern Paraná. To this end, from a methodological point of view, this applied research fits, as to the procedure, as a case study. As a main result, it is observed that, based on the analysis of the personal interpretations of the members of the work group used in the research, the exercise of the Knowledge Management sharing practices employed in the preparation and elaboration of the summary videos facilitated the learning process of in order to ensure that knowledge goes far beyond what was only in the texts, bringing rich contributions from experiences and discussions, managing knowledge through Knowledge Management and providing the transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit.


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How to Cite

Melo, F. P. de, Bernardelli, F. R. T., Scarabelli, B. H., Schraiber, F. C., Marchi, L. A. S., & Urpia, A. G. B. da C. (2020). Knowledge sharing through video: a case study in a stricto sensu graduate class. Pesquisa E Debate Em Educação, 10(2), 1383–1395.