About the Journal


The Pesquisa e Debate em Educação (PDE) journal, e-ISSN 2237-9444, is a scientific journal published every six months (two annual editions) since 2011. PDE is linked to the Professional Postgraduate Program in Management and Evaluation of Public Education (Programa de Pós-Graduação Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação Pública - PPGP), of the Center for Public Policies and Evaluation of Education (Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação - CAEd), of the Faculty of Education (Faculdade de Educação - FACED), of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF). PDE was made available in print and digital versions up to v. 5, no. 1 (2015), ISSN 2237-9436. From this volume on, PDE has been published only in an electronic version. Further editions may be published in a printed version in addition to the electronic one (as is the case of v. 10, n. 1 [2020]).


Currently, all editions of the journal are already available on this UFJF Journal Portal. The previous website (http://www.revistappgp.caedufjf.net/) has been disabled.

From v. 11, no. 1 (2021), the journal has been published in continuous flow. The continuous flow publication model is characterized by agility in publishing articles. Once the articles are approved and laid out, they are published immediately, and it is not necessary to complete an issue with all the articles published.


Focus and Scope 

The Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal is a continuous flow publication, linked to the PPGP/CAEd/FACED/UFJF, which aims to be a publication recognized in the area, with wide circulation in the academic-scientific community, through free online access.

The journal's readership comprises professionals in the Education, Teaching and related fields, researchers, undergraduate students, graduate students, professors and other interested parties. The journal contributes to the internal dialogue of the academic community, enabling debates on significant and contemporary theoretical issues. 

The journal currently accepts for publication only unpublished/original articles that have not been published in other journals. Articles are submitted in continuous flow. Papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English will be accepted for evaluation. 

A minimum of 24 articles will be published per year with an institutional and regional diversity of their authors - 80% of the articles must be linked to at least four institutions different from UFJF, preferably from different regions of Brazil. In general, all articles will dialogue with the PPGP lines of research, in particular, management and evaluation of public education. 

The articles, which are a priority in this journal, are theoretical studies resulting from research, as well as intervention articles that result from the analysis of recent situations, with a more essayistic profile and proposals for criticism and discussion on educational issues. The Content of signed works is the sole responsibility of their authors. 

Articles with a maximum of five authors will be accepted. The minimum degree for authors is a master's degree. It should be noted that articles that have undergraduate, graduate and master's students as co-authors will be accepted, as long as there is, among the authors, a master or a doctor. 



The Pesquisa e Debate em Educação (PDE) journal currently has one section for the submission of papers. 

The regular section publishes academic articles related to Brazilian educational management and assessment and related topics, expanding and connecting the professional outlook of its target audience: public education managers. Articles linked to communication and professional development are also accepted, with the aim of making the professional development dimension of Brazilian educational managers visible, as well as establishing a continuous exchange of information and successful experiences between these actors. 


The RPDE proposes training and direct dialogue with its target audience and those interested in the area, being open to the publication of articles, experience reports, opinion texts and reviews concerning its publication notices.


Peer Review Process (Blind peer-review) 

All papers submitted to the journal will be subjected for editorial review. Initially, the texts are evaluated for originality (being submitted to anti-plagiarism software [since 2021, all journals linked to the UFJF Journal Portal started to use iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software]) and for adequacy to the scope and form of the journal. 

Afterwards, the articles are peer-reviewed, usually in a double-blind evaluation format, by at least two reviewers, who hold a PhD degree or are associate professors. If the editor receives conflicting reviews, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, prior to the final decision of the editor-in-chief (or the associate or guest editors). If the article is already published in preprint format, a single-blind peer review is adopted. 

In exceptional cases, articles will be evaluated/reviewed by the editorial team. 


Publishing Policy 

The Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal has a team responsible for spelling editing and formatting/layout. Therefore, approved articles may undergo editing to facilitate their clarity and understanding without altering their content. Changes will be submitted for approval by the authors. 


Open Access Policy 

The Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal adopts a policy of immediate open access to its content, in order to give greater visibility to the published texts. Both publication and access to articles are free, ensuring greater democratization of scientific knowledge. In order to have their articles published, authors do not receive any financial value, as well as they do not need to pay any amount. 


Licensing Policy

Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication. The work is simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which allows the sharing of the work with recognition of the work's authorship and initial publication in the Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal. 

Authors are authorized to enter additional agreements separately, for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal, for example, in institutional repositories or as a book chapter, with recognition of authorship and initial publication in the Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal. 

Authors have permission and are encouraged to publish and distribute their articles, for example, in institutional repositories, on their personal pages or on social networks. Such actions aim to disseminate scientific knowledge.


Artificial intelligence(AI) tools utilization policy.

Authors must declare whether or not they used AI tools in article writing.


Ethics Policy 

The ethics policy of the Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal encompasses all segments involved in the publication: authors, editors and ad hoc evaluators. 

This statement has been adapted and is based on Elsevier's recommendations and on the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)  

Ethical principles: 

The decisions of the Editors and the Editorial Board will not be influenced by revenue considerations. The Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal is committed to ethical principles and is willing to publish corrections, clarifications and disclaimers when necessary. 

Regarding ethical complaints about a paper, the editors will take the necessary measures to investigate any complaints and will provide, if necessary, corrections and/or disclaimers. 

Editors' Responsibility: 

Publication decision: the editors responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be published are guided by the journal's policies, which must comply with legal requirements, without violating copyright and plagiarism. 

Transparency and respect: Editors should evaluate submitted manuscripts without regard to the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality or political philosophy. 

Confidentiality: Editors should not disclose any information about a submitted paper, except to peer reviewers and editorial advisors. 

Disclosure and conflicts of Interest: Editors may refuse to review manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest, for collaborative, competitive or other liaisons with any of the authors. When necessary, the editor can designate a specific and exempt editor to handle the editorial process of a given article. 

Involvement and cooperation in investigations: Editors will take appropriate measures when ethical complaints are made about a submitted paper or published article. 

Editorial responsibility: The editors will maintain the anonymity of reviewers and will handle papers as confidential documents. 

Duties of Reviewers and Ad Hoc Reviewers: 

Confidentiality: the works received for analysis must be handled as confidential documents, without the disclosure of any information about the manuscript with third parties. 

Disclosure and conflict of interest: reviewers must keep confidentiality and should not use, for personal gain, ideas obtained from reading the papers. 

About sources: reviewers should identify significant published works that were not cited by the authors, as well as draw the editors' attention to any substantial similarity or overlap between the paper in question and any other published articles of which they are personally aware. 

Duties of Authors: 

Originality and plagiarism: Authors must ensure that the works are entirely original. The journal uses a scanning system with anti-plagiarism software to check the similarity of papers. Plagiarism constitutes unethical editorial behavior and is unacceptable. 

Authorship: the authorship of the work should be restricted to those who made a significant contribution to the conception, project, execution or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions must be listed as co-authors. The lead author must ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the article. The lead author must ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and that they have agreed to its submission for publication. 

Multiple, redundant and simultaneous publication: Authors may not publish papers describing essentially the same content in more than one journal. 

About the sources: Authors should cite publications that were important in determining the nature of the paper, as the work of other authors must always be recognized. Information obtained in a conversation, correspondence or discussion with a third party should only be used with the explicit written permission of the source. 

Errors in published works: When authors discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is their duty to inform and cooperate with the editors for the correction of the article. 

Research funding sources: It is the authors' responsibility to inform the sources of funds used for research. 


Privacy statement

The full names, affiliations and email addresses provided will be used exclusively for the services provided by this magazine and will be published as stated. The other data collected will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.


Guidelines for user registration 

To register for the Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal, follow the guidelines below: 

1. Leave the “treatment pronoun” field blank, as it will facilitate the search of registered users by name and metadata;

2. Fill in your ORCID and the URL (electronic address of the page) of your Lattes Resume. If you do not have the ORCID number, register through https://orcid.org/

3. In the “roles” field, mark the options desired: “Reader”, “Author” and/or “Reviewer”. Only reviewers with a Doctorate or Associate Degree will be accepted.

4. At the end, click on “save”.



 The Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal has an H index of 11 and an i10 index of 13, formulated based on Google Scholar in May 2024. Google Metrics:  h5-index=6 e h5-median=9.


Statistics and Metrics

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Metrics


Indexing sources: catalogs, portals, directories and databases









Google Scholar


Periódicos de Minas - Portal Periódicos de Minas

Portal de Periódicos UFJF - Portal de Periódicos Científicos da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)

LivRe - Revistas de livre acesso

Periódicos Capes - Portal de Periódicos CAPES/MEC

I2OR - International Institute of Organized Research

ESJI - Eurasian Scientific Journal Index

Research Bib - Researchbib Journal Index and Archive

Scilit - Scientific Literature

REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Inovacción y Conocimiento Científico

Crossref - Crossref Metadata Search

Oasisbr - Portal Brasileiro de Publicações e Dados Científicos em Acesso Aberto

Qualis Periodicals 

On the Sucupira Platform, according to the Qualis/CAPES assessment (2017-2020), Revista Pesquisa e Debate em Educação presents the following qualifications: B1