A A proposal of translation of Virgil’s Eclogue IV into Portuguese hexameters
rhythmic translation, dactylic hexameters, bucolic poetry, metricsAbstract
This work aims to present a poetic translation of Virgil’s Eclogue IV, one of his most important bucolic poems. This poem, composed in honor of the Roman consul and patron Asinius Pollio, foretells the birth of a child who would bring back the Golden age, an era based on a political state of universal peace and concord, which was celebrated by Greek and Roman poets such as Hesiod and Ovid. Since Antiquity, this poem has been interpreted in many ways, such as the famous medieval allegorical readings which identified in the poem a prophetic message about Jesus Christ’s birth. So, a new translation of the poem due to its importance is welcome. Thus, we propose here a new work of poetic translation of this text aiming to recreate and emulate the rhythm of the Latin hexameter based on the models established by Carlos Alberto Nunes in his versions of the Homeric epics and of Virgil’s Aeneid.
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