As modulações do amor divino segundo Beatriz de Nazaré




Medieval mysticism; Divine love; Sacred love; Minne; Beatrice of Nazareth.


Beatrice of Nazareth was a Flemish Cistercian prioress and the first medieval mystical writer to whom tradition has bequeathed us a very unique text, being considered one of the most important mystics of the 13th century. She emphasizes the importance of love of neighbor in the spiritual process of knowing God, in the wake of the Cistercian tradition. The author reflects her experience of the divine in its fullness: without limits, without objections, without intermediaries. Beatrice's entire literary formation is evident, from the categories found in courtly love, to the question of freedom so dear to the Beguine movement, the philosophy of the Cistercians. The aim of this article is, on the one hand, to present some elements from the time of Beatrice of Nazareth and to highlight some current readings of her work and, on the other hand, to propose a gradual and progressive interpretative reading of the treatise.


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Author Biography

Cássia Sales Kirchner, UNIFAAT, Atibaia, SP

Doutora em educação pela Unicamp, mestre em educação e pedagoga pela Universidade São Francisco. Professora do curso de pedagogia da UNIFAAT, Atibaia, SP. E-mail: Connecting research and researchers (ORCID):


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How to Cite

KIRCHNER, R.; SALES KIRCHNER, C. As modulações do amor divino segundo Beatriz de Nazaré. Numen, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 2, 2025. DOI: 10.34019/2236-6296.2024.v27.44755. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.