Teaching-service integration for continuing education in leprosy control actions: experience report





Leprosy, Primary Health Care, Health Human Resource Training, Education, Nursing, Continuing, Education, Medical, Continuing


Introduction: The performance of health professionals in primary health care shows insufficient qualification to ensure the reduction of the leprosy burden. There is a growing demand for continuing education for these professionals in order to re-signify their commitment to the implementation and strengthening of disease prevention and control actions. Objective: To report the experience in the development of training in leprosy control actions for professionals in primary health care. Experience Report: In the months of October and November 2019, training courses were given to nurses and doctors working in 43 health units in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais. The training had a total workload of 12 hours, eight hours theoretical and four hours of practice. The theoretical contents were organized into five thematic units: leprosy epidemiology; diagnosis and treatment; assessment and monitoring of neural function; disability prevention; epidemiological surveillance and service organization. A total of three nurses with expertise in the subject were responsible for conducting it. A total of 90 professionals, 35 of whom were doctors and 45 nurses, were trained. After training, two new cases were diagnosed by professionals in 2019 and eight cases in 2020. Conclusion: Training was able to mobilize and prepare health professionals to carry out leprosy control actions.


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How to Cite

Moura Lanza F, Nogueira Rodrigues R, da Silva J. Teaching-service integration for continuing education in leprosy control actions: experience report. HU Rev [Internet]. 2021Jun.7 [cited 2024Jul.18];47:1-6. Available from: https://periodicos.ufjf.br/index.php/hurevista/article/view/33963



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