


In this article, we intend to investigate Paulo Freire's work to understand his views on education. We will make an analysis in five parts: general conception of education; dialogue, ontology, history and ethics. These five moments, organized by Freire in an organic way and intertwined in his work, will be analyzed separately, but always trying to put them in relation in order to understand their interaction and their organic constitution in a whole that we call education. We will highlight, whenever possible, the theoretical sources used by Freire in the elaboration of those problems and his conclusions, in order to make his statements clearer and more consistent. Finally, when possible, we will make an effort to understand the practices that he feeds on to think about the liberating education that he proposes to us. It is important to remember, when talking about (or with) Freire, that his theses are supported by the effective experience of popular educator, and that in this way they are effective and efficient, and not just speculative or utopian. That is why he was persecuted by those who, understanding his genius and the efficiency of his considerations, pursued him and who continue to pursue him to this day, after his death, fortunately without his ability to understand and without being able to erase his luminous ideas from the face of the Earth.


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Author Biography

Aimberê, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Possui doutorado em Filosofia pela Universidade de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne (2008) e mestrado em Filosofia contemporânea pela Universidade de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. Obteve dois diplomas de estudos aprofundados (DEA) sobre a mecânica quântica e a história das ciências, pelo Instituto de História das Ciências e técnicas da Universidade Paris 1 (IHS) e pela Universidade de Jussieu, Paris 7. Atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: filosofia contemporânea, fenomenologia, epistemologia, lógica, filosofia geral, infância, educação, ética, política. Atualmente participa do Núcleo de Estudos de Filosofia e Infância (NEFI), com Walter Omar Kohan, na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), onde realizou seu pós-doutorado sobre Educação e Democracia, e do Núcleo de Estudos em Filosofia, Poética e Educação (NEFPE), na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), onde é atualmente Professor de Filosofia da Educação. Realiza três pesquisas conjuntas sob o título: Ontologias, Teorias do Conhecimento, subjetividade e intersubjetividades: a educação como construção de si e do mundo. Prepara atualmente um estudo amplo sobre a relação entre ética, política e educação.



How to Cite

Quintiliano, A. (2021). PAULO FREIRE: AN EDUCATION´S ONTOLOGY FOR ETHICS: UMA ONTOLOGIA DA EDUCAÇÃO PARA A ÉTICA. Educação Em Foco, 26(Especial 02), e26052.