Trabalho de rua e cenas de resistência urbana:

um olhar sobre o espaço urbano de Campos dos Goytacazes




The article aims to characterize some scenes of urban resistance through the practice of street work on avenida Pelinca, located in the Rio de Janeiro city of Campos dos Goytacazes, relating it to an aesthetic that tends to be dominant in that space. The domination of everyday life in urban space is manifested through actions that seek to impose the uses of spaces on subjects, creating, in a relational way, distinctive and excluding places, legitimately appropriated by some and “irregularly” by others. The choice of that region stems from its economic and social protagonism that emerged from the 1990s, removing the main axis of the city's commerce from the center. Under the light of the concepts of the right to the city by Lefebvre (2006; 2008; 2011), the reappropriation of space from the resistance of Certeau (2014) and the reified social space of Bourdieu (2013). The article is based on empirical observations of street work portrayed in scenes of opposition to the ennobling process of avenida Pelinca. In that space, the resistance of subjects who reinvent a daily life marked, at the same time, by the great distance of social positions and by an intense physical proximity is revealed.


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