Autoethnography and Film: The play of mirrors in the experimental documentary Teko Haxy

o jogo de espelhos no documentário experimental Teko Haxy


  • Carlos Francisco Perez Reyna Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



This paper aims to discuss the methodological aspects of the concepts of autoethnography, built by the
encounter between Patrícia Ferreiro Pará Yxapy (Mbya Guaraní) and Sophia Ferreira Pinheiro (anthropo
logist), whose result is the experimental documentary Teko Haxy-Ser Imperfect (2018). Between them,
they discuss the similarities and diff erences of the pains and challenges of being women, each inserted in
a diff erent culture. The fi lm is particularly thought-provoking to know, how are these voices constructed?
What are these voices talking about? And, certainly, what are the subjective and aesthetic issues that arise
from this documentary that stems from the act of fi lming the other and themselves, like a game of mirrors,
and creating their own narratives. To elaborate this fi lm ethnography, we use the methodological principles
of fi lm anthropology, notably the concept of fi lm ethnography and the methodological principles of mise en
scène and auto-mise en scène from fi lm anthropology.
Keywords: Autoethnography, Experimental Documentary, Film Ethnography and Film Anthropology


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