Large-scale educational assessment and accountability

a brief analysis of the Brazilian experience


  • Reynaldo Fernandes Universidade de São Paulo
  • Amaury Patrick Gremaud Universidade de São Paulo



Educational evaluation, Accountability, Basic education, SAEB, IDEB


This paper seeks to evaluate the large-scale educational assessment and accountability movement that has occurred in Brazil over the past two decades. In  the  article  a  brief  review  of  the  international  literature  on  educational  accountability  is  made,  highlighting  the  arguments  in  its  defense,  the  position  of the critics and the evaluation of its results. This is followed by a review of the large-scale assessment and accountability movement in Brazil. At the end, an  evaluation  of  this  movement  is  conducted,  addressing  three  issues:  a)  to  what extent does the improvement of Brazilian educational data in fundamental education reflect an improvement in learning or reflect a “score inflation”? b) to what extent have evaluation and accountability programs contributed to this improvement? and c) why did the improvement in primary education not reach high school in the same way?


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How to Cite

Fernandes, R., & Gremaud, A. P. (2020). Large-scale educational assessment and accountability: a brief analysis of the Brazilian experience. Pesquisa E Debate Em Educação, 10(1), 1103–1137.