The specialist dilaceration as the way to an education that thinks
Teaching, Specialist, Technique, IdentityAbstract
In this research we discuss the consequences of the ‘specialist figure’ for education and the teaching in our days. We defined in the introduction the specialist as a phenomenon of the period and traced its dependence on the modern technique, in relation to investigate about the essence of the technic in Heidegger and its disposition at the man. This leads us to the dialogical considerations of the sciences among themselves proposed by Edgar Morin in his complexity theory. From such panorama, under the thought of Peter Sloterdijk we problematize about harmfulness of the identity concept and the submission condition on the (post) modern technique: conditions those that comes conducting the educative practices latterly. Our intention, consequently, is to provoke teachers and students to think the non-rigorous acceptance of positivity which today behave over the teaching and the education.
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