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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). We accept articles resulting from dissertations and theses, even if they have a high similarity index. However, we do not accept articles with more than 30% similarity to articles published in event annals, not even if the publication has been carried out in another language.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

As of 01/01/2021, all submitted articles must be formatted as per the template of the Pesquisa e Debate em Educação journal. Articles that are laid out differently from the template will be automatically rejected.Download the template here: Template RPDE 2023 (download as .docx, don't open as Google Doc).Article's specifications are summarized as follows:1.     For the evaluation, a file must be submitted without any identification of the authors, their institutions and where the research was carried out, in Word for Windows 1997 or later, according to the template. Replace identifications with the following expression: "<omitted for blind review>";2.     Altogether, the article must have a minimum of 4,000 words and a maximum of 6,000 words, including from the Introduction to the References (inclusive). Titles, identification, abstracts, keywords and additional information are not considered;3.     Title, abstract (between 100 and 150 words) and keywords (three to five) must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish;4.     Citations must be presented in parentheses in the body of the text, including the surname of the author of the cited source, the date of publication and, in case of direct citations, the page(s) cited, following the ABNT standards;5.     The complete bibliographic references of the cited author(s) must be presented in alphabetical order, at the end of the text, according to the ABNT rules (as per the template);6.     Notes should be avoided. If essential, all notes must be numbered and placed at the end (endnotes and not footnotes will be adopted), using an automatic text editor command (as per the template);7.     The following must be informed in the metadata: Título, Resumo, Palavras-chave (after each word, press the "Enter" key), Title, Abstract, Keywords, Title in Spanish, Resumen, Palabras clave, Authors' names (in Name, insert all names; in Surname, insert only the last name), E-mail, Institution/Affiliation (inform the institution's name in full [without abbreviation], Institute or Faculty, Graduate Program or Department, City, State, Country), Orcid (if you need to register, go to, Biography Summary (insert link to the Lattes Resume), References (References must be in accordance with ABNT. First names of authors must be in full and not abbreviated. Example: "DOE, John". and not "DOE, J.").

Applied research

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