Lives of Pindar
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Vidas antigas, biografia, biografia grega, PíndaroResumen
This paper presents the translation of eight short texts on the life of the poet Pindar: a fragmentary Life, recovered from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri (P. Oxy. XXVI 2438); three Lives and a collection of sayings, transmitted as attachments to the medieval manuscripts of his works; and the three entries of the Suda that deal with Pindar and his direct relatives. By reading them together, we intend to highlight the variety of traditions, most often based on a biographical reading of his works, but also the persistence of certain stereotypical narrative themes, such as his privileged relationship with the gods, which culminates with Pan singing his songs in the vicinity of sacred mountains, and the gesture of Alexander, who would have spared his house when sacking Thebes.
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