Tourism in the Sustained Hegemonic Neoliberal Order


  • Dominic Lapointe * Professor of tourism and tourism development at the department of urban and tourism studies at Université du Québec in Montréal/ UQAM. He holds a Ph.D. in regional development from Université du Québec in Rimouski. Responsible of the Groupe de recherche et d’intervention tourisme territoire et société, he works on the production of tourism space and its role in the expansion of capitalism. His recent researches focus on climate change, social innovations and indigenous tourism in peripheral areas, all of them using a critical geography perspective. He is also the actual director of the undergraduate programs in tourism and hospitality management at UQAM.
  • Bruno Sarrasin Université du Québec in Montréal / UQAM
  • Cassiopée Benjamin Université du Québec in Montréal / UQAM



Tourism industry, International political economy, Empire, Biopower.


Sustainable Development (SD) has become a unifying concept that transcends conflicting discourses. Over time it has become a fundamental political concept in the current world order. This paper explores the structures that (re)produce the world-system in which tourism is embedded. Following Fletcher’s (2011) demonstration of tourism as a force of capitalist expansion, we will refer to the concept of the International Political Economy (IPE) to discuss how the world-system has been structured and institutionalized. It appears fundamental to understand this path to face the actual IPE construct in which we see tourism grow year after year in scale and scope. The shift towards neoliberalism as a main narrative has been vastly discussed (Harvey, 2007; Brown, 2015; Mosedale, 2016) but we will turn to the Hardt and Negri’s Theory of Empire (2000). We will first consider the question of how sustainable development, within its virtuous global reach, is in fact, a primarily Empire-like discourse, especially when it is carried by International deterritorialized institutions. The second question we will address is the role of tourism in the moments of Empire processes of transformation and globalisation. We conclude that tourism is contributing to the main process of globalization and the market dominance of neo-liberalism expressed in Empire. If there is different strand of thought and research that advocates tourism and sustainable development as a locus of change in the economic and world system, it has only had limited success at the margins, while discourses of globalization and mass tourism keep going strong.


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Biografia do Autor

Dominic Lapointe, * Professor of tourism and tourism development at the department of urban and tourism studies at Université du Québec in Montréal/ UQAM. He holds a Ph.D. in regional development from Université du Québec in Rimouski. Responsible of the Groupe de recherche et d’intervention tourisme territoire et société, he works on the production of tourism space and its role in the expansion of capitalism. His recent researches focus on climate change, social innovations and indigenous tourism in peripheral areas, all of them using a critical geography perspective. He is also the actual director of the undergraduate programs in tourism and hospitality management at UQAM.

Lapointe is professor of tourism and tourism development at the department of urban and tourism studies at Université du Québec in Montréal. He hold a Ph.D. in regional development from Université du Québec in Rimouski. Responsible of the Groupe de recherche et d’intervention tourisme territoire et société, he work on the production of tourism space and its role in the expansion of capitalism. His recent researches focus on climate change, social innovations and indigenous tourism in peripheral areas, all of them using a critical geography perspective. He is also the actual director of the undergraduate programs in tourism and hospitality management at UQAM.

Bruno Sarrasin, Université du Québec in Montréal / UQAM

Chair of the Department of Urban and Tourism Studies at the University of Quebec in Montreal, he led the tourism and hospitality management program and the French speaking tourism research journal Teoros. Author of some fifty scientific and transfer publications, he has presented several conferences on international tourism issues. He is particularly interested in the socio-political analysis of nature-based tourism, especially in developing countries.

Cassiopée Benjamin, Université du Québec in Montréal / UQAM

Master degree student in Tourism development à UQAM. Her researches are on decolonization, resurgence and indigenous tourism.


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Como Citar

Lapointe, D., Sarrasin, B., & Benjamin, C. (2018). Tourism in the Sustained Hegemonic Neoliberal Order. Revista Latino-Americana De Turismologia, 4(1), 16–33.

