Magias, oferendas e feitiços

explorando as complexidades rituais e morais dos ‘trabalhos de amor’ no contexto afro-religioso


  • Ava Cruz Universidade Federal da Bahia



Religiões afro-brasileiras, Cartomantes, Serviços Espirituais, Livre-arbítrio, Amarração amorosa


This article investigates the ritual and moral dynamics associated with the execution of love spells, highlighting its status as a highly controversial domain within the Brazilian Afro-religious context. Drawing upon the experiences of practitioners who advertise spiritual services through paste-ups and online platforms, I analyze the wide category of "trabalhos de amor " as an umbrella term encompassing various forms of magic, offerings, sympathies, and spells, each applied in specific contexts. In particular, it pursues an understanding of the contingent relationships that emerge between these practitioners and the execution of such works, emphasizing the influence of oracles in defining specific moral boundaries. I examine native conceptions of "ter caminho”, as revealed by the oracle, and its impact on the perspective of individuals in this field regarding ideals of autonomy, destiny, and free will. Lastly, I challenge these same notions of autonomy and free will based on my ethnographic experience consulting with these professionals in Salvador. I argue that it is not free will that underpins magical morality; the assumption of autonomy as a universal principle appears to give way to a situational morality, shaped by the possibilities indicated by the oracle in terms of "having a path" or not.


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How to Cite

CRUZ, A. Magias, oferendas e feitiços: explorando as complexidades rituais e morais dos ‘trabalhos de amor’ no contexto afro-religioso. Numen, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.34019/2236-6296.2024.v27.43385. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 sep. 2024.



Dossiê: Religião e Amor