Entre o Fio, Vidro e Barro

uma Análise da Moda e Arte na Adição de Técnicas Artesanais com Gotas de Vidro Soprado e Cerâmica nas Peças de Vestuário do Designer Lucas Leão


  • Marcos Daniel da Silva Oliveira INSTITUTO FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE




This research explores the intersection of fashion and art through the analysis of artisanal techniques, including blown glass drops and ceramics, in the apparel designed by the renowned Lucas Leão. By examining the interplay of thread, glass, and clay, the research aims to comprehend how these techniques add a unique artistic dimension to contemporary fashion. The analysis focuses on the intrinsic innovation and tradition in the application of these techniques, highlighting Lucas Leão's distinctive contribution to the fusion of craftsmanship and fashion design.


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