Conhecimento de mães sobre aleitamento materno e seus impactos na saúde bucal de bebês e pré-escolares em uma unidade de Atenção Primária à Saúde
Breast Feeding, Oral Health, Primary Health CareAbstract
Introduction: Breastfeeding (BF) has numerous benefits for maternal and child health and is one of the main risk factors in childhood if practiced below the ideal time. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive BF for six months and complemented up to two years or more. Objectives: To identify the prevalence of exclusive BF in the territory of a Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU), to understand the factors associated with this practice, and to assess mothers' knowledge about this topic regarding oral health. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with the application of a questionnaire to a sample of 95 mothers. Descriptive analysis was performed to evaluate the data, and associations were analyzed using the Chi-square test, quantitative variables by t-tests or ANOVA, and categorical variables by estimating Odds Ratios. Results: The prevalence of exclusive BF up to 6 months in the studied population was 63.2%. Children who used pacifiers had 62% (OR 0.38; 95% CI 0.156-0.899) less frequency of exclusive BF. Mothers who did not attend prenatal care (PNC) at the PHCU were more aware of the importance of dental check-ups during pregnancy (ρ=0.029) and also received more information about the harm of bottle feeding (ρ=0.026) and pacifier use (ρ=0.047). Higher knowledge scores were associated with mother's age (ρ=0.010), employment status (ρ=0.002), and the performance of dental consultations for children's guidance (ρ=0.042). Finally, the prevalence of exclusive BF found approaches the Brazilian average, and it is estimated that the use of artificial nipples may harm BF. Conclusion: It is necessary to improve the performance of PHCU regarding BF to reach mothers dependent on this service, through the modification of BF promotion and support strategies, strengthening of multiprofessional work, and encouragement of dental check-ups during pregnancy.
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