A retextualização como recurso didático-discursivo:

uma análise da BNCC


  • Ilderlândio Nascimento UFRN
  • Verônica Medeiros Pereira UFRN
  • Ana Maria Santos de Araújo UFRN




Retextualization, as a phenomenon of human language, is a dynamic and complex procedure that mobilizes reading/listening, understanding and writing of texts in discursive practices. With this, the relevance of its use as a didactic-discursive resource in classroom teaching practices is highlighted. Thus, this study aims to investigate the treatment given to retextualization in the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC). More specifically, it aims to understand how retextualization appears as a text teaching proposal at BNCC for the Initial Years of Elementary School. As for the methodological aspects, this study presents a qualitative approach and a perspective of interpretive analysis of the BNCC, comparing with theoretical readings that underlie the investigation, among others, Bakhtin (2011a; 2011b), Geraldi (2015), Antunes (2003; 2009), Marcuschi (2001), Matencio (2002), Dell’Isola (2007). The analysis shows some terminological fluctuation used by the BNCC to refer to the process of creating a text from the reading and understanding of other base text(s). In addition, it appears that, in the proposal aimed at the Initial Years of Elementary School, the BNCC does not use the most common terminology, namely, retextualization, possibly signaling the absence of a theoretical anchorage arising from the studies of the text as an object of education. Thus, the concept of retextualization appears implicitly, mainly in the proposals for the production of texts related to the change from oral to written modality, as well as from writing to oral.


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Author Biographies

Verônica Medeiros Pereira, UFRN

Graduanda do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. 

Ana Maria Santos de Araújo, UFRN

Graduando do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte




