O "Eu preciso levar para algum lugar":
experiências de produção de artigo acadêmico em eventos de letramento de publicização
Academic literacies, Literacy events, Literacy practices, Academic articleAbstract
In this article, it is aimed to analyze the meanings attributed to the production of academic article demanded in literacy events of publication, by undergraduates of a course of Letters: Portuguese Language, of a Brazilian federal university. It is based on the articulation between the theoretical assumptions of Academic Literacies (LEA; STREET, 1998; LILLIS, 2019) and the notions of discursive genre and sphere of human activity (BAKHTIN, 2007). Methodologically, the research is developed within the scope of Applied Linguistics (MOITA-LOPES, FABRÍCIO, 2019), having a hybrid classification, of exploratory (GIL, 1999) and experiential (MICCOLI, 2014) type. The data, generated remotely, via Google Meet, relate to records of semi-structured interviews (ABRAHÃO, 2006) conducted individually with three undergraduates of the course of Letras: Portuguese Language, which make up a database of a broader research. The results reveal that the experiences of producing academic articles in events of "I need to take it somewhere" publishing literacy happen by the undergraduate's own initiative, either to comply with the quantity of publications for the maintenance of scholarships, or to meet the criteria necessary for the completion of the course, or to disseminate a research conducted in a discipline of the course. We conclude that, possibly, even if undergraduates frequently participate in publishing events, there is still the need to develop more autonomy and initiative to participate in this type of literacy event, as well as to understand the issues of power and identity that underlie the production of academic articles