O uso de poemas brasileiros no ensino de PLE

um recurso para trabalhar interculturalidade e contexto histórico


  • Gabriela Viol Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro




Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL)., Interculturality., Poem., Critical Literacy.


Considering the importance of the use of different text genres in the teaching of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL), this work focuses on the use of a genre of literature that is less present in contemporary teaching materials of our language and culture: the poem. Foreign language approaches and teaching methods, often rigid, should be flexible and open to the insertion of this gender in the teaching-learning process because its features of form and content can be a relevant input for the development of language learning and the target culture by the foreign learner. So, the object of this study was to demonstrate how some poems can be used to work on Brazilian cultural issues in a critical and contextualized way. For this, we have selected, on the internet, a corpus formed by poems written by Brazilian authors about different views of Brazil over the years. Then, we analyze its structure, paying special attention to its content, reflecting how it could be dealt with and worked in the PFL classroom to bring the reality of the foreign student and the Brazilian reality closer together. With our reflections and research, we understand the importance of creating a material that is sensitive to students and that complements the textbook. Furthermore, we conclude that the poems are rich materials to work from an intercultural perspective and to promote critical literacy, in which the student has an agentive role in their teaching.


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