Sentidos do trabalho com arte e cultura:
a produção cultural no Brasil contemporâneo
This article presents a summary of my doctoral thesis entitled “Counterculture, Immaterial Work and Production: possible trends in cultural production in contemporary Brazil”, defended in August 2017 at the UFJF (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil). In it, I develop a sociology of work with art and culture to analyze the cultural producer in recent Brazil, focusing on the niche of “independent” music, seeking to understand some of the possible meanings that the activity has for those who perform it. For that, I refer to the study of Counterculture of the 60s to observe the formation of a new meaning for work, manifested by many of the surveyed producers, at least in its form incorporated into the "new capitalism", comparing it with other possible meanings observed. Thus, I briefly present the main theoretical, historical and empirical contributions of each of the three parts of the thesis, and some of its main results, conclusions, and notes for future research.
Key words: Sociology of work with art and culture; Counterculture; Immaterial work; Cultural production and independent music