This is an outdated version published on 2021-12-22. Read the most recent version.

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agenciamentos não-monogâmicos de uma mulher puta




In this paper, I discuss agency in non-monogamous relationships through the story of Viviane, an activist for Rede de Relações Livres (RLi) from Porto Alegre, Brazil, and also a very important research interlocutor. She defines helself as a slut, and her life is marked by explosions of sex and passion. Her experiences with non-monogamy started when she was a teenager, and make part of her life all time since then, including the period of sluthood, the activism for free non-monogamous relationships and the experience of motherhood. I follow paths from the anthropology of becoming towards her agency, with the aim of overcoming theoretical perspectives that only see subjection on gender and sexuality experiences. I argue that she has acted with agency in so many ways, reinforcing a proudly imperative emotional and sexual trajectory, in which she took over control of her life in spite of the adversities, having ups and downs living as a slut.


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