Tecendo resistências contra-coloniais entre azmies:

travessias possíveis para uma ética da liberdade





In this essay I intend to weave epistemological dialogues between black authors who I believe make chorus and movement to the reflections against colonialists. I propose to bring together pertinent debates about the experiences to the south of the anti-capitalist struggle, necessary for the (re)peripheral existences in the encounter between different insurgent voices. The idea is to engage crossings that find pluriverse terrains in confronting structural racism and sexism, in an intersectional perspective on the challenges of living in this western modernity.  In times of great magnitude in the crisis of colonial civilizing values, reflecting on the necessary aquilombamentos becomes an ethical and êmic exercise for a practice of freedom. In a sea of collective suffering, I anchor the reflections proposed by bell hooks (1994) when it awakens us to the possibilities of theory as a place of healing. May these ancestral knowledges on crossings nourish existential chalky soils and who knows how to ascend the fires of struggle, which in the midst of so many bereavements, as a lighthouse in the storm.


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2021-07-05 — Updated on 2021-07-05
