Body, mind, and self: a theoretical articulation focused on emotional regulation




Mind, Self, Emotional regulation, Body


Traditionally, emotional regulation is understood by the definition of mind separated from the body. We propose a discussion in a historical-conceptual perspective, which identifies the Top-down and Bottom-up models, in order to highlight a critical view and point out a theoretical proposal for body/mind/Self articulation, with focus on Emotional Regulation. Implementing a narrative literature review based on classical texts and modern studies, by highlighting the Bottom-up model, mind and Self can be connected to the body and to the physical sensations considered part of the regulatory process.


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Author Biography

Edna Lúcia Tinoco Ponciano, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ

Professora Adjunta do Instituto de Psicologia. Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Social. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Instituto de Psicologia


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