Occupational self-efficacy scale for work-related sickness





Self-Efficacy, Psychometrics, Occupational Health


The study aimed to adapt an occupational self-efficacy measure (OSE) from a return to work self-efficacy scale (RTW-SE). Two sequential studies were carried out, the first for semantic validation, exploratory factor analysis and judges' evaluation, and another for confirmatory factor analysis. The instrument was tested on samples of industrial workers (n = 803). A three-factor solution was obtained, consistent with other versions of the RTW-SE scale: self-efficacy belief related to work completion (F1), management of affects (F2) and to reach out for social support (F3). The confirmatory test obtained good adjustment rates. Additionally, conceptual and practical aspects are discussed.


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Author Biography

Sonia Gondim, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

Professora Titular Aposentada Instituto de Psicologia Universidade Federal da Bahia -UFBA CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9725833775313298 ORCID: 0000-0003-3482-166X Pesquisadora Nível 1D CNPq Atuação Pós-graduação em Psicologia da UFBA Grupo de Pesquisa EMOTRAB  Linha de Pesquisa: Emoções e Afetos em Contextos de Trabalho Site do grupo de Pesquisa: www.emotrab.ufba.br  


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