Development and validity evidence of the Teaching Practice Perception Scale


  • Mayra Antonelli Ponti Universidade de São Paulo
  • Rosana Suemi Tokumaru Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Patricia Ferreira Monticelli Universidade de São Paulo
  • Teresa Vilaça Universidade do Minho
  • Patricio Costa Universidade do Minho



Educational evaluation, Test validity, Teacher attitudes, Educational activity, Teacher-student interaction


Personalized teaching practices can improve students’ school performance. However, specific instruments to evaluate these practices in the Brazilian context couldn’t be found. The main goal of this study was to construct and present validity evidence for the Teaching Practice Perception Scale (TPPS). Twenty-five items were crated and evaluated by 11 judges. The resulting 17-item scale was applied to 477 teachers via online form. Factorial analyzes identified two dimensions: 'Group' (α = .0,79) reflects group-oriented teaching practices; 'Personalization' (α = 0,88) refers to individual-oriented teaching practices, which explained 48,6% of the total variance. Teachers presented more group than individual-oriented practices. 


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