Psychological well-being and developmental assets: assessment in adolescent students
caracterização em alunos adolescentes
Positive psychology, Psychological well-being, Positive youth development, Adolescent developmentAbstract
Context: In the recent research on adolescent psychosocial development, two theoretical and empirical perspectives stand out: (1) psychological wellbeing; and (2) Developmental assets, including external and internal assets. Goal: Within this framework, we carried a characterization of psychological wellbeing and developmental assets in children and adolescents from a Portuguese school. Method: The study included 201 students from the 6th, 9th and 11th grades, a scale to assess the psychological wellbeing and a scale to assess the developmental assets. Results: This article presents the distribution of the students for levels of wellbeing and developmental assets, as well as the significant differences found between students in psychological wellbeing and developmental assets and the correlations between their dimensions.
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