Assessing writing motivation: a portuguese adaptation of a multicomponent measure

adaptação portuguesa de um questionário multifatorial




Writing composition, Writing motivation, Self-efficacy, Mastery and performance goal orientations


A large corpus of empirical evidence suggests a reciprocal relation between writing and motivation. The main goal of the current study was to validate a questionnaire that is able to measure self-efficacy, goal orientation, beliefs, and affect towards writing. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted using principal components analysis. Concerning self-efficacy, factors were found for writing tasks and for writing strategies. As for goal orientation, factors were found for mastery and for performance. For beliefs, factors were found for beliefs related with content and with linguistic conventions. A single factor was found for affect. The multifactorial motivation measure developed in the present study will be essential in future research aiming to deepen the understanding of the relationship between writing and motivation.


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