School Trajectories of Adolescents in Conflict with the Law: A Literature Review
School, Juvenile Delinquency, Adolescent in Conflict with the LawAbstract
This study investigated the school trajectories of adolescents in conflict with the law before, during and after intervention of the juvenile court system. A systematic literature review was carried out, considering articles published in the Eric, Lilacs, Pepsic, PsycInfo and Scielo databases in the period from 2013 to 2018. The studies showed that the school trajectory of the adolescents who commit juvenile offenses is marked by difficulties of connection with the school, grade repetition, age/school-grade discrepancy, indiscipline and school quitting. During intervention of the juvenile court system, schooling and professionalization involved providing individualized attention and investing in the relationship between educators and adolescents. After the intervention, the studies showed that the adolescents built life projects related to education and professionalization.
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