O antídoto do espiritismo para a psicopatologia da morte
Death still causes people in general with varied mental states, among them disbelief, hopelessness, spiritual anguish, mental-moral-spiritual suffering, fear, anxiety, chronic sadness. In this context and considering the experience of the dying and death process by nursing professionals, spirituality and care are approaches used in the therapeutic sphere to prevent, interrupt and overcome possible psychopathological conditions in the process of dying and in the face of death. Chico Xavier's bibliographic and mediumistic collection has a particular aspect of message books, attributed to dead family members. Who are the communicating family spirits, what is the quantity of these communications, data from the communicators, in which works were published and what are the possible psychopathological pictures of fathers and mothers who made them seek spiritual and mediumistic help? OBJECTIVE: - to systematize the works of family letters, received mediumship by Chico Xavier, between 1951 and 2012; - explain the possible psychopathological conditions of fathers and mothers and their overcoming after receiving the psychographed letters. METHOD: the research has a historical approach, the source is documentary, the data collection technique is bibliographic, the analysis technique is quantitative. RESULTS: a) 74 thematic books published between 1951 and 2012, 550 communicating family spirits, 1726 written mediumistic letters, 61 communicating spirits excluded due to lack of registered biographical data. b) the greatest number of causes of death is an automobile and motorcycle accident, murder with a firearm, drowning, cardiac arrest and suicide. CONCLUSION: The works psychographed by Chico Xavier, referring to family letters from the disincarnated to the incarnated, according to the unanimous testimonies of the family members, are antidotes for the reduction or cessation of uncertainties and possible psychopathological suffering during the process of dying and in the face of death.
KEY WORDS: Spiritism, Death, Psychopathology, Religion
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