Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the practice of Brazilian Dental Radiology
COVID=19, SARS-Cov-2, Teleradiology, Radiology, Radiology Information SystemsAbstract
Introduction: Dental Radiology (DR) is one of the most neglected specialties in Dentistry concerning biosafety measures. In recent years, studies on COVID-19 involving Dentistry have been extensively conducted, but there are few focused on this specialty. Therefore, any approach that can guide improvement policies in DR is justified. Objective: The objectives of this study were to verify whether Brazilian dentists were aware of the biosafety recommendations proposed by health agencies, to investigate changes in the conduct of these professionals, their knowledge and ability to evaluate digital exams, in addition to investigating the impacts of COVID-19 in Dental Radiology. Material and Methods: An online questionnaire was applied, with 25 questions, including training data for dentists, workplaces, the profile of performance/indication of intra and extraoral radiographs before and during the pandemic and knowledge about the digital flow of images. Means and frequencies were used to describe the data. To compare qualitative variables before and during the pandemic, the Wilxocon and McNemar tests were used. Results: A total of 250 Brazilian dentists participated in the research. 52% of professionals were not aware of the recommendation of health agencies regarding the preferential indication of extraoral radiographic exams during the pandemic. Regarding the digital flow of radiographic images, 44.8% still prefer to receive their printed exams for evaluation in negatoscopes, although 64% respond that they feel able to work in digital imaging software. It can be observed that, despite the periapical examination being the most requested both before and during the pandemic, the number of intraoral radiographs was significantly higher before the pandemic. Conclusion: This study allowed us to understand more about the science of biosecurity measures proposed by health agencies, as well as about the behavior of dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic in clinical practice.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marcos Paulo Maia de Lima, Daniela de Almeida, Luana Pereira de Mendonça, Matheus Sampaio-Oliveira, Karina Lopes Devito
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