Current aspects of guided endodontics
Dental Pulp Calcification, Endodontics, Cone-beam Computed Tomography, Secondary Dentin, Dental Pulp CavityAbstract
Introduction: Endodontics is a specialty in Dentistry constantly contemplated with technological and scientific innovations, aiming to make root canal treatment more efficient. However, some clinical procedures to resolve complex cases, such as severe calcifications and the removal of glass fiber posts, can compromise the viability of teeth. In this context, Guided Endodontics, or endoguide, emerged, meaning an association between cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), intraoral scanning and three-dimensional (3D) printing, with endodontic treatment. This technique allows, through acrylic guides fixed in the mouth, a cavity access drill to be guided inside the canal, preventing eventual deviations and unnecessary dentin wear, ensuring an excellent access. Purpose: To review the current literature on the use of the endoguide, highlighting its advantages, disadvantages, and the procedure for performing it. Materials and Methods: Complete scientific articles in English, obtained from PubMed database, published from 2013 to 2020 were analyzed, using “endoguide” or “guided endodontics” as keywords. Results: The endoguide proved to be effective, regardless of the skill and experience of the operator, allowing access to teeth with obliterated canals, with minimal dentin wear, avoiding deviations and increasing the success rates of endodontic treatment. The main disadvantages are the high cost and the difficulty of installation in the posterior region of the mouth. Conclusion: The endoguide represented a huge advance in current Endodontics and has much to offer, preserving dental structure and saving clinical time in solving complex cases.
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