The use of the Summaê active methodology in an undergraduate dentistry course: experience report
Problem-Based Learning, Education, Dental, MethodologyAbstract
Introduction: The use of active methodologies has become an increasingly efficient tool in undergraduate courses. Its ability to transform the classroom into a motivating environment makes the student take a leading role in the teaching-learning process, making the transmission of learning more dynamic and practical. Objective: To describe the application of an active teaching-learning methodology, called Summaê, in students of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Governador Valadares Campus (UFJF/GV). Experience report: The activity was developed with students from the Academic League of Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology. Divided into pairs, the students had to make a creative video with a question that covered the academic league's areas of interest. With each video, the question presented was answered on a sheet. The answers were later corrected by a panel of teachers who were also responsible for judging the videos on display. The event environment was previously prepared with a specific theme, and students and teachers were required to wear hats. The best hats, videos and student responsible for the most hits were awarded. Conclusion: The application of a methodology that allows broad student participation in the educational process, coupled with the creation of the playful environment, facilitated the teaching-learning process and led the students to be transported to a different atmosphere from the traditional classroom making the environment more playful, relaxed and less formal.
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